[Kzyxtalk] The Good Ship KZYX

Scott Peterson scottmartinpeterson at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 22 16:15:35 PDT 2016

Dear Ms. Courtney,

I just found the following quote from Stuart Campbell: "(John Coate)

has implemented sound financial procedures and dispatched the huge

debt and generally navigated the KZYX ship through quite choppy

waters, under lots of stress and he has done so with aplomb. He will be

missed." I found that quote here:


Have you checked those waters lately? If we're to believe the so-called

audit from last year, MCPB had $78,000 in net assets under its keel then:


Today that figure is only $11,000:


And who's your navigator today? Why, it's Mr. Campbell!!! The very

same fellow who praised Mr. Coate for dispatching KZYX's 'huge debt'.

If you'll recall, Mr. Coate calculated a 'burn rate' for KZYX. You can see

that in the so-called audits. MCPB's net assets in 2014 amounted to

$160,506. One year later, that amount was $78,446. Can you subtract,

Ms. Courtney? MCPB went through $82,060. That's $6,838 a month.

Those so-called audits are all here:


Have you measured your freeboard lately? That's the distance between

the waterline and the deck. Why would you? Your navigator has been

telling you that everything's fine. Have you spotted any leaks? How 

could you? Somebody nailed the hatch covers shut. The same fellow

your navigator was praising.

How about your navigator? Have you checked his work for accuracy?

Ask him to show you KZYX's debt before Mr. Coate arrived. And after

he left. Ask him to pull the nails out of the hatch covers first. If you've

got the nerve. Otherwise, leave everything to him. Like you've been

doing all along.

If the Good Ship KZYX runs aground, somebody will take the blame for 

it. And it won't be your navigator.


Scott M. Peterson


cc:    (MCPB Board Members)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

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