[Kzyxtalk] Ballots and Membership - Mailing Deadline Tomorrow!

Dennis OBrien dennisobrien at sharejerusalem.com
Mon Mar 23 21:20:47 PDT 2015

Always looking for policies and procedures relevant to issue . . .

The current Election Policy requires a person to be a member by December 31 in order to vote in the following year's election.  This seems way too early, and catches a lot of people by surprise.  The month leading up to the deadline for candidates to declare (January 31) has heightened interest in the station.  But many folks were disappointed to hear they couldn't join then and vote.  How many memberships were lost?  How much participation was dampened?  Perhaps some of those who didn't get ballots just joined too late?

The list of members eligible to vote is not sent to the contractor who does the mailing until February 10.  If we changed the policy and allowed people to join by January 31 and be eligible to vote, there would still be plenty of time to make sure the rolls were up to date.  And we would be increasing our membership and participation in the election process.
The Election Policy is available at

While reviewing it, I noticed that a ballot must have a postmark no later than March 25 to be counted, even if mailed later and arrives at the station by March 31.  I don't think this is widely known.  So if you're mailing your ballot, tomorrow's the day!
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