[Kzyxtalk] Stuart Campbell on KZYX board

King Collins king at greenmac.com
Sat Apr 26 11:38:45 PDT 2014

Spoke to Stuart Campbell (KZYX board member) yesterday. Among other things I asked him what was going to be on the agenda for the May  5 meeting. He said not much because it was really just a party. 

As I recall, there wasn't much real board business done at the last meeting. It was mostly scolding Sakowicz. And some discussion about the "Responsibilities" document. As Eliane, or was it Bob, pointed out the main responsibility as a board member is to be nice to everyone and keep your mouth shut. That was pretty clear. And there was a press on to get all the board members to agree to that. I wonder how that turned out. (But I didn't bring that up with Stuart.)

I did ask Stuart Campbell, who is the board liaison with members, if he would put something on the agenda for me? No, he didn't think he would or could do that. Oh, OK, but I wondered, Is the board discussing anything? Oh sure, we talk to each other about stuff. And I ask, innocently, How about John Sakowicz? Is he included in those discussions? Oh yes, of course, John is part of those discussions. (Really?)

For the rest of us,
--king collins

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