[Kzyxtalk] Ft. Bragg Campus: a failed McDonald's?

King Collins king at greenmac.com
Tue Apr 29 13:44:49 PDT 2014

A correspondent says:

If you open a McDonald's, and people don't buy your hamburgers, you have to close the McDonald's. The Fort Bragg campus did not attract enough people to support it. There aren't enough students in the area to support a 2-year college program to prepare students to go to a 4-year school. 

So are you saying that the coast doesn't need a college?

My opinionated friend replied: No, but don't expect Mendocino College to come up with anything that could work. It would take a lot of serious community involvement, and a much more real discussion about education and what a community college should be. 

Well, what do you think could work?

1) I think it would take a really relevant curriculum. The College of the Redwoods has, or used to have more the 30 certificate courses, and some of those certificates almost guaranteed a job. I know a kid who went to the CR campus and got a certificate in CAD (Computer Assisted Design) and he immediately got a job. That's a lot different that English 101, etc, which prepares the student to spend another 2-years before there is any hope of employment. 

2) Dormitories on campus: How likely is it that someone would commute to Ft. Bragg from say Santa Ross, but if there were certificated programs AND a place to live on campus, then you have a winning combination. 

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