[Kzyxtalk] Next witness: John Sakowicz

King Collins king at greenmac.com
Sat Apr 12 22:44:59 PDT 2014

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! KZYX watchers, members of the Jury,
I propose to bring before you another witness: the notorious John Sakowicz. 

I'll start with the same question I just asked newly elected Paul Lambert:

1) As a member of the board will you report back, regularly and transparently, to the rest of us on this list (or one that is equally open) about the dialog taking place on the board? That would mean that you would report the topics discussed on the board listserv and at committee meetings, not only those that are broadly agreed to but also those that are disputed, with the understanding that you would not report on matters that are properly confidential, which is limited to certain personnel or legal issues. 

Note to John: I know you have a lot to say but I would appreciate it if you would confine your answer to a paragraph and stay on topic. If you mention John Coate you get an automatic "F."  And even if you get this question right, there will be more questions, and they get harder. 

--king collins

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