[Kzyxtalk] [MCN-Discussion]- Paul Lambert-summary

doug mckenty dougmck at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 11:02:54 PDT 2014

I really feel like some of you do not understand what this election was all
about.  It doesn't matter what kind of person Paul Lambert is.  Staff
controls the stations programming and operational philosophy.  Both
Jane and Paul seemed to be under the impression that people with
alternative ideas should just apply for a program.  They both seemed to
think that the doors were open at KZYx for people with all points of view.
 From their perspective, the station just has a hard time finding qualified
volunteers.  With a little outreach, they believe KZYX will be more
inclusive.  They believe that by being on the board they can have
a positive effect on the station in some way.

One of the major issues at KZYX that I tried to bring to light during the
campaign is the fact that there is no transparency in the programming
decision making process.  No one except staff knows who has applied for
what kind of program.  Jane seemed open minded about addressing the
marijuana issue at KZYX.  She will not be able to.  Staff long ago made
clear their stance.

I was called a "dissident" at the last board meeting and told to start my
own production company, called "KMUD South" because I look at the success
of our neighbor to the north, with the knowledge of the fact that KMUD has
taken 400 members from our listening audience and an award winning news
department and I wonder, "What are those people doing that KZYX is not?"

Interestingly, the same attitude was presented to the people of Ukiah 10
years ago when they appealed to KZYX for a studio.  They started KMEC, an
organization which staff refuses to work with to this day.

Paul Lambert recently implied that I somehow did not follow board protocol
when I went public with information regarding just how far staff will go to
circumvent the will of the board.  I assure you all that I went to the GM
fist with these concerns, then left the board and approached individual
board members privately before going public.

Where does all this antagonism and separatism come from?

I tried to point out that in all of the surveys I have seen, half of all
respondents state they hear too much NPR.  I never advocated the
elimination of NPR, just less with the addition of more alternatives,
including more locally produced ones.

I strongly believe that these programming changes, along with a more
inclusive attitude towards the marajuana community, would add at least
1,000 members to the roster and provide the station with the much needed
capital that could be used to expand the news department.

Staff has chosen the NPR formula, asking local programmers to focus on
local news.  Criticism of NPR is discouraged and alternatives reduced.
 This formula is not irrational, many NPR member stations use it, but in
our market we can plainly see it gets KZYX 2200-2500 members.  This, with
the CPB grant, will keep the station going, but I do not see hitting 4000
members, as Jane suggested at the debate, without change.

I congratulate Jane and Paul on winning the election, and thank the current
board for making it happen.  I do believe that at least many issues have
been brought up that needed discussion and am sorry to see Paul Lambert
leave this conversation.  I fear the current board may continue with a
spirit of reclusiveness that has plagued it for some time.

I must say I only lost by 24 votes...and King got 23.  At least they can't
label us "a small but vocal minority" anymore.  Personally, if the current
board does nothing else, I hope they figure out how to improve the conflict
resolution process at KZYX.  I was tempted to vote for Tom Melcher

Thanks to all who supported me,

Doug McKenty

On Saturday, April 12, 2014, King Collins <king at greenmac.com> wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> I  think it is premature to pull out at this point. Watch what happens
> next. --king
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