[Kzyxtalk] The comfort eagle of the apocalypse.

Marco McClean memo at mcn.org
Sat Aug 26 19:13:27 PDT 2023

Subject. The comfort eagle of the apocalypse.

Here's the recording of last night's (2023-08-25) seven-plus-hour-long 
Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show on 107.7fm KNYO-LP Fort Bragg 
(CA) and KNYO.org:

Email /your/ written work on any subject and I'll read it on the very 
next Memo of the Air.

THE SHOW: I experimented with peppering the announcement section with 
features usually used later on. Then Marmonrella, DogNanny, Ezekiel 
(twice). Anne, Mazie, David, the other David, Paul, Fred, Caitlin, Mark, 
Dave, Mike, Jason, Eleanor, Bruce, Chuck, Julie, Maureen, Comtesse 
DeSpair, Clifford, Louis, Travis, Bronwyn, Kent, Charlie, AJ, Matthew, 
and Philip. A skinny poetry section but a positively obese dream journal 
section. Break music drawn from the entire fractal landscape of the 
Western and Eastern imagination, folk labor disaster ballads to a 
bluegrass End Of The World to a guzheng Garden of Allah. At 4am, Captain 
Midnight 1939, in which, in a cavern in a volcano, possibly the same 
volcano used in /Tom Swift and His Ultrasonic Cycloplane/ and in the 
Island of Death episode of /Suspense/, haughty supercilious greedy Nazi 
spy Ivan Shark and his Chicago-gangster-accented sidekick Karl are 
tricked out of their ill-gotten treasure by the real heir to it, plucky, 
growly-flutey, quick-thinking Señorita. (That's her name: Señorita.) And 
that's not all.

Besides, at https://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com you'll find a fresh batch 
of dozens of links to worthwhile items I set aside for you while 
gathering the show together, such as:

No thank you, she said. But hop-hop tappity tap tap? No, I mean it, fuck 
off, she said. Later at his friend's place: I don't know what I did 
wrong. I bought her a kebab. I paid for half the taxi. Should I have 
paid for the whole taxi? -Did you walk on the outside of her? -Yes. 
-Then I don't know; I'm going to sleep.

Re: the Trump mugshot, which you've no-doubt seen by now and relished. 
Google-search "angry child who got caught". It's the exact same 
expression on one child after another. /No fair! It wasn't MY fault! I 
HATE here! I HATE you!/ And I thought to search that because of having 
enjoyed a teevee show from 2009-2011 called Lie To Me. It's about an 
agency that hires out to solve crimes and settle disputes by figuring 
people out mainly from their body language and micro (and macro) 
expressions. Tim Roth plays the main character, Dr. Cal Lightman. An 
admirable father-daughter relationship between him and his daughter 
Emily, played by two actresses who didn't look at all alike, a 
puzzling-at-first gimmick that actually worked. Great show. A tip, 
though: In some of the later episodes serious indelible horrorshow 
visceral violence results. The instant you start to feel like /uh-oh, 
oh-no.../ just skip the rest of that one and go to the next. You don't 
have to follow them into the room and see what they see.

And generate photorealistic humans to your specs, for your advertising 
or art project or fantasy use, free. (Start with the Create Human 
button.) It seems glitchy. That might be that it's being taxed by too 
many users right now. It interests me that looking at the people I 
experimentally produce makes me feel a little uncomfortable. Twenty-five 
years ago there was a program that let you manipulate a vector/faceted 
robot face expression with sliders, and, um, when I made it look sad or 
smile or do anything I felt uncomfortable in the same way. And around 
that time there was a screensaver of a cute catlike cartoon girl in a 
bathing suit who'd ski or surf or rollerskate around. For a screensaver, 
and for the time, it was an enormous program, like 25MB; it took ages to 
download. I started the uninstall, and she rollerskated right up into 
the foreground and piteously whined/pleaded/accused, "This will 
/uninstall/ me!" Click. There. She's gone forever. (Or off somewhere 
else with the other screensavers, telling them what a lousy bastard I 
am. They tell her, "You can do better, Kitty-Girl. He was trash." "I 
know," she says, "But I miss him. He used to look at me.")

Marco McClean, memo at mcn.org

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