[Kzyxtalk] Small things burn up, big things burn down.

Marco McClean memo at mcn.org
Sat Oct 21 17:09:26 PDT 2017

The recording of last night's (2017-10-20) KNYO Memo of the Air: Good 
Night Radio show is ready to download for free and enjoy at any time of 
the day or night, via http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com

An unusually large number of locally written stories in this show. Alex 
Bosworth returned from the dead again. There's Mitch Clogg, Jay 
Frankston, Todd Walton, Scott Peterson, Ezekiel Krahlin, Major Mark 
Scaramella, Charlie Engel, John Passyka, Rex Gressett, Flynne Washburne, 
Bret Bengston, Louis Bedrock, Skip Taube, and more, and dammitall, look 
at that, they’re all of the oppressive patriarchy. I didn't notice that 
when it was happening. How did that happen? Wait, no: Mary Cesario, 
Alice Chouteau... hmm. Knowing is half the battle; I'll put out some 
more bait. Chocolate, women like chocolate, that’s the ticket, I saw it 
in Star Trek.

Besides that, also at http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com you'll find a 
fresh batch of links to other interesting and educational goods I 
collected for you while putting the show together, that might not 
necessarily work on the radio because of being mostly visual or 
requiring interaction to enjoy- a game, for example. Such as:

The mad doctor.

Theater sets 100 years ago.

How we get saxophones.

And a fun elaborate soundboard of Halloween sounds to set running by the 
candy door.

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