[Kzyxtalk] A Sears catalog of target-rich environments.

Marco McClean memo at mcn.org
Sat Oct 7 17:25:53 PDT 2017

"When you look for guidance, direction, mentorship, you always look 
toward institutions but it's really yourself that is the final arbiter. 
And if you keep yourself as the final arbiter, you will be less 
susceptible to infection by cultural illusion. Now the problem with this 
is it makes you feel bad to not be infected by cultural illusion because 
it's called alienation. But the reason we feel alienated is because the 
society is infantile, trivial and stupid. So the cost of sanity in this 
society is a certain level of alienation." -Terrence McKenna

The recording of last night's (2017-10-09) KNYO and KMEC Memo of the 
Air: Good Night Radio show is available to download and enjoy via 

Also there you'll find directions to many not necessarily radio-useful 
though worthwhile goods that I set aside for you while putting the show 
together, such as, for example:

Why we feel lonely and odd.

The meaning of life.

Ballet. And that's loci not locus. And an not a. Skip the gif and scroll 
down to the real video.

And a wonderfully silly plasma gun made of vinyl tubing and water 
bottles. /Stop or I'll whish-whish-whish-PHOOMP./

Marco McClean
memo at mcn.org

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