[Kzyxtalk] MCPB's Election Policy

Scott Peterson scottmartinpeterson at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 11 21:40:38 PDT 2016

Dear Ms. Futcher,

I understand you were the coordinator for the last MCPB election. Have you

reviewed the MCPB Elections Policy lately? Here it is:


It's only thirteen pages. If you haven't read it already, I suggest that you do.

There are eighteen separate references to an Election Auditor. And how

that individual is supposed to certify both the membership and the election

results. At least according to policy. If that happened, would you mind

posting both certifications on the KZYX website? I haven't seen any there.

Also, the election coordinator is supposed to have been appointed by the 

board of directors before September 30, 2015. I couldn't find any meeting

minutes about that. Were you appointed outside of a meeting? If so,

please post a record of that appointment on the website as well. If not,

please post a written waiver on the KZYX website. I'm pretty sure that I've

asked you for this information before. So this is a reminder. Your email is

janefutcher (at) me.com, right?

Last but not least, you might consider some insurance. With something

called a Letter of Opinion. Board members such as yourself can get such a

letter from any attorney who consults with the board you're on. As I 

understand it, MCPB has been offered such consultation by Mr. David



Mr. Hopmann is a very prestigious attorney. If he can't provide such a letter,

perhaps he can direct you to someone who can. 

As I'm sure you can understand, following MCPB's Election Policy is very

important to all of MCPB's members. As well as members of the public.

Particularly if Mr./Ms. SM's information below is accurate.


Scott M. Peterson


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smmail (at) gotsky.com wrote
>I just caught up on your latest addition to your conspiracy theory. What 
possible financial responsibility do you think that the volunteer 
directors of a non-profit corporation, and the corporation itself for 
that matter, have. You threaten suit, but you have to have a 
documentable financial loss to sue for compensation. Sue because you 
didn’t get the programming you wanted, now there is a laugh.

I also am unable to make heads nor tails of your statements regarding 
the 990 tax form or your comment about how the station has already 
released member contact information. They haven’t. Why not list a 
specific circumstance that you think is improper along with the law or 
regulation that you think it violates, and then explain what the 
complaint in your suit would specify? SM

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