King Collins king at greenmac.com
Mon Feb 22 13:14:59 PST 2016

Dear KZYXtalk, members and friends,

   There is an “informal meeting” of the CAB (Community Advisory Board)
   Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm
   At the Greenwood School
   5130 So. Hwy. 1 in Elk

Topics will include:

1) INAPPROPRIATE BOARD SECRECY: the Board uses the closed board listserv and “confidential” meetings for most of its deliberations.  We contend that the BOARD SHOULD OPERATE OPENLY as mandated by our bylaws and the California nonprofit code. Legal arguments aside: WE DEMAND TRANSPARENCY.

2) REPORT by members of the “Ad Hoc DOCUMENT INSPECTION COMMITTEE” (King Collins, Peter Kafin, Doug McKenty and Sheila Dawn Tracy), concerning our recent meeting with Lorraine Dechter and progress toward member ACCESS TO THE MEMBERSHIP LIST, the whereabouts of the UKIAH STUDIO FUNDS,  and the fate of SAFE HARBOR at KZYX. 

3) PUBLIC MEETINGS: We propose a series of public meetings to discuss how KZYX can better serve our communities. These meeting should take place face-to-face, on-air and on-line. The bylaws call for an annual “membership meeting which Sheila will discuss at the CAB meeting. 

Join us and official members of the CAB, Tuesday (tomorrow).

For KZYXtalk,

King Collins
KZYX board 2003-2005
king at greenmac.com

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