[Kzyxtalk] Fine journalism by Sherri Quinn

Jane Futcher janefutcher at me.com
Thu Feb 18 13:54:38 PST 2016

Great journalism, indeed! Thank you, Sherri! Having Glen Colwell, an opponent of the Grist Creek rubberized asphalt plant, and Woodhouse, who sponsored the project, on at the same time to respond to each other deepened the dialogue and brought some new facts to light. 

Colwell’s frustration was palpable as Woodhouse, who fast-tracked the plant last March, now shifts blame for the plant’s continued air pollution violations to the county oversight agencies that he, as a member of the BOS, appoints/hires/fires. 

The asphalt plant was, by the way, vehemently opposed last March by Colwell, as well as attorneys for Friends of Outlet Creek, and many neighbors, including me. We knew that if the plant went on-line, it would be very difficult to shut down.

Over many opponents' objections, Woodhouse and the BOS approved the plant 5-0 without referring the project to Planning for internal or CEQA review. A properly conducted EIR would have shown that a former sandbar in the floodplain of Outlet Creek, located in narrow valley, is an untenable site for a rubberized asphalt plant.

Kudos, Sherri!

> On Feb 18, 2016, at 11:49 AM, Cindy Swan <cswan at willitsonline.com> wrote:
> Kudos to Sherri Quinn 
> for her excellent Mendocino Currents program
> at 9AM this morning on KZYX!
> It was both educational and informative.
> Quinn interviewed Glen Colwell, of Friends of Outlet Creek,
> and Tom Woodhouse, 3rd District Supervisor,
> regarding the “Fast-Tracking” of the Grist Creek Asphalt Plant
> . . . and the serious problems Woodhouse’s efforts to avoid a complete
> (and objective) EIR of that project has caused.
> You can listen to this excellent Public Service program
> at your convenience by going to:
> <www.jukebox.kzyx.org <http://www.jukebox.kzyx.org/>>
> Again, thanks Sherri (and Lorraine)
> for opening up the dialogue
> on this important issue.
> ~C.
> The one question that did not get asked
> was how the Mendocino County Air Quality District
> had the “authority” to issue any permits in April, 2015
> for this project —given the fact that the BOS
> had rescinded their fast-track permit approval in March, 2015?
> ==> At that juncture, shouldn’t the project proposal have gone back to
> the Planning & Building Department for a complete (and updated)
> CEQA analysis and environmental review?
> It remains a mystery how Air Quality could issue operation permits
> without prior Planning Department review and approval of the entire project, 
> and perhaps here is where the solution to the current problem exists. . .
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