[Kzyxtalk] Conspiracy to bankrupt KZYX, sell off full power station, aka Pacifica a few years back?

Scott Peterson scottmartinpeterson at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 24 12:26:51 PDT 2016

If KZYX / MCPB winds up with a big fat bill from CPB, then the individuals responsible should be held personally accountable.
That includes David E. Hopmann, Bob Page and Holly Madrigal. But not exclusive to them.
MCPB's bylaws have never been ratified, nor filed with the Registry of Charitable Trusts. So the law of the land here is the California Corporations Code. 
Virtually none of MCPB's policies have been followed. Instead of treating KZYX as a public charity, Mr. Hopmann ran it like a military intelligence operation. Like the one he ran in Vietnam. With the same outcome.
The outright deceit of CPB is evident on the AFRs (annual financial statements). Claiming that audited financial statements had been done. When as we can see by the Form 990s and State filings, they weren't. 
Civil actions are costly. At the very least, these people should be held accountable in the court of public opinion.
Twenty-four seven.
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2016 11:52:20 -0700
Subject: Conspiracy to bankrupt KZYX, sell off full power station, aka Pacifica a few years back?
From: eric.sunswheat at gmail.com
To: discussion at lists.mcn.org

About the first thing new GM/ CEO Lorraine said at first in a series of KZYX film events at the Ukiah Public Library earlier this year, was that she loved NPR.

More recently including today, with a wide range of email postings on kzyx-talk, a picture is becoming clear that KZYX may have taken on financial liability of millions of dollars for financial deception in legally required accounting.

As listeners may recall, KZYX has disenfranchised a significant portion of its locally oriented original public discussion content programmers, the past few years, including a substantial time frame of not allowing listener call ins, nor on air discussion of station policies.

All the while, KZYX was trying to extend its target audience into Lake County, as because of KZYX  full power license, it had a substantial reach. However, it's quest to establish a repeater station in Lake County for more complete geographical coverage, because for grant funding and licensing purposes, it is beyond the mandate for which KZYX is permitted by the FCC.

Now KZYX may be looking at paying back millions in improper acquired grants from Corporation for Public Broadcasting, if some private mass media conglomerate such as Clear Channel or Fox News moves forward. 

A complaint and then in court, a public interest lawsuit could be filed, to press for remuneration to the public Treasury, of allegedly improper appropriation funds, because of use of an unlicensed auditor, who was involved with $42 million in losses and bankruptcy at Humboldt Creamery.

While KZYX Board of Supervisors may be covered by liability insurance, often exclusion terms do not allow financial protection for deliberate neglect and fraud. 

This it is unknown which specific of the current and former Directors of Mendocino County Public Broadcasting in the time frame involved, have sufficient savings and investments to cover the loses, respective of their filings for personal bankruptcy protection.

I don't know much about the situation, but this is what I see coming up on my computer radar screen.  For those who still listen to NPR locally and not on web streamed or podcast from NPR super stations at any hours of the day, further churning on Mendocino County Public Broadcasting, can be found archived below.

- Eric

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