[Kzyxtalk] Reasons for Challenging Programmer-Director Policy

Doug McKenty dougmck at gmail.com
Sat Apr 23 18:45:42 PDT 2016

The reason that I have heard for the way things are currently set up was actually in response to the fear that the programmers, not the members  could control the station if a system was not in place to curb their influence. 

It makes sense that programmers, who spend a lot of time volunteering for the station, would also want to be part of station governance by running for the board. The fear was that programmers could eventually take over many of the board seats, and the community at large would have less say. 

The compromise was to give the programmers their own representative, then only allow other programmers to run for the at-large seats, this insuring that others from the community had a chance to run for the district seats. 

This always made sense to me, though perhaps not purely democratic. And I am not familiar with membership-nonprofit laws to the contrary. 

Perhaps you are right. If anyone can run for the board, and the membership chooses 9 programmers, what is the harm?

I do think there is some truth to what you are saying about how the programmers have been stilted toward management.  There is a protocol that management is supposed to have followed ensuring objectivity in the programming decision making process. Management unilaterally ditched that process, and arguably filled programming slots with their "friends."  Now those friends vote for their policies. Hardly democratic. 

I have for sometime thought the same of the membership.  In the past, there may have been more than 3100 voting members. Nobody seems to know the exact number.  Management unilaterally decided to air more NPR programming. People who don't like NPR quit the station.  Now the remaining membership, the ones who support NPR, continually vote for the pro-NPR candidate. The rest of the community simply left the station, which is why it has become more and more dependent on the CPB grant. 

It is a downward spiral. The more management makes programming choices that benefit their beliefs, the more the only people left volunteering/as members, are those who agree with managements programming/policy decisions.  This is why I have spent the last three years asking ex-members to rejoin and vote!!  This is the only way the station will change. 

No matter, the CPB will always bail the station out with or without community support.  


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> On Apr 23, 2016, at 2:14 PM, <dennisobrien at sharejerusalem.com> <dennisobrien at sharejerusalem.com> wrote:
> I have been asked to explain what I hope to accomplish by asserting the right of the Members to elect all of the Directors.
> I am a big fan of membership nonprofits. They are an excellent vehicle for the collective efforts of a group of people who are focused on a common mission.  The choosing of the Directors by the Members is an act of collective consciousness, and the Directors are charged with making decisions on behalf of the Members.
> I am assuming that the Programmers are well-informed, noble, and have the best interests of the nonprofit at heart.  Nevertheless, they do not represent the collective knowledge, wisdom, and interests of the Members.  If anything, there is an ongoing tendency, subconscious at least, to support the continuation of the status quo, as the people and thinking that go into choosing a Programmer-Director are already present at the station.  Some have even suggested that, since the Program Director selects the Programmers, there is an internal loop of support that protects the General Manager and Program Director.
> The power of selecting one out of nine directors and having a guaranteed presence on the board should not be underestimated.  Much of our nation's politics right now is focused on who will choose the ninth vote on the Supreme Court.  Even in larger bodies such as Congress, the control of 11% of the vote (one out of nine) would swing almost any contested decision.  So taking away from the Members the power to choose one of their nine directors is significant.
> In my life I have watched the arc of history bend toward justice.  But I am very troubled by the rising incidents of voter suppression that we have witnessed this year.  ID's that are hard to get, tougher registration rules, reduced polling places, reduced early voting, voting rolls purged - these are just some of the problems.  And each one of them means that the collective knowledge, wisdom, and concerns of those being affected by important decisions are less likely to be heard, to be integrated into the decision-making process.
> I have reached the point where I am compelled to do what I can to reverse that trend.  In politics, as with the environment, we must think globally and act locally.  The station and the nonprofit will benefit greatly by restoring Member selection of all directors.  Conversely, the Programmers will not suffer.  They have for years been unfairly prohibited from running for any of the five District seats on the board, and that has kept good and competent people from running the past few elections.  I don't have a problem with individual Programmers being on the board.  But that decision should be made by the Members.
> Nor should people be concerned that Programmers will be shut out of programming decisions.  They are assured of input under the current Programming Policy and the Program Advisory Committee (PAC).  The current Board and Management should act immediately to fully implement that policy.
> So what I hope to accomplish is to restore legitimacy to the Board of Directors and the governance of MCPB/KZYXZ.  I hope to make the Board a true expression of the will of the Members.  Our bylaws state that the station is Member controlled.  We have been told that means that the Members choose the Directors.  As noted above, it is not enough to choose eight out of nine.  The Board must acknowledge the right of the Members to choose all of the Directors, and make the necessary changes to our Bylaws and Election Policy.
> Dennis
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