[Kzyxtalk] KMUD & KHUM signals to Mendo

Tim Gregory tgregory at saber.net
Tue Apr 19 13:00:10 PDT 2016

Thanks, Liz!

KMUD General Mgr Jeanette Todd's responses to my forward from KZ talklist & my
request for info about their broadcast range:

My! We are not rivals! We are collaborators and kindred spirits (or if we are not,
we should be!).
Lets support one another! Our stations are as different as the sun and the moon,
that leaves us all the room any of us would ever need to recommend each other, great
diversity is what we all have in common! 
Long live all radio!

Sorry Liz, I saw the first comment from a Scott..someone, saying we were rivals, and
responded. Im gonna ask Simon about the signal. I get it right to the edge of the
town of Mendocino, but not beyond.

More soon,
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