[Kzyxtalk] KZYX Audited Financial Statements - 2008 thru 2014

Scott Peterson scottmartinpeterson at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 17 10:00:25 PDT 2016

Mendocino County Public Broadcasting (MCPB) depends on grant money from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). To get that money, MCPB furnishes CPB with yearly audited financial statements. And then posts them to the KZYX website:
There they are. 2006 through 2015, right?
At the bottom of the page, there's a link to MCPB 990 tax returns from previous years:
Okey-dokey. Open up the one for 2013. And scroll to Page 12. Go to Part XII, to Item 2b. Where is says, "Were the organization's financial statements audited by an independent accountant?" Look at the answer, "No."
Alright. Let's go straight to the horse's mouth. The National Center for Charitable Statistics database for MCPB:
This has a more complete list of MCPB 990 tax returns. Including the one for 2014:
Go to page twelve on that rascal. To the same question. And the same answer. No audited financial statements.
Now go all the way back to the one for 2010:
The same question and answer are on Page 3, Item 12. No audited financial statements. So that's five years without audited financial statements. Right? But the mystery deepens.
This is a little more legwork. But it's worth it:
Do a search for "Mendocino County Public Broadcasting". With "CA" as the state. Then select MCPB, the charity. That'll take you to an index of MCPB documents not listed on the KZYX website. They're called Registration Renewal Fee forms. Or RRF-1 for short. Go to the ones for 2008 through 2014. And check out Item 9. "Did your organization have prepared an audited financial statement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for this reporting period?" Look at the answer. X marks the spot. "No."
Check out the title of the individual who signed that form: "Executive Director". And the terms under which it was filed: "under penalty of perjury".
So MCPB's executive director swears on a stack of bibles that KZYX had no audited financial statements from 2008 thru 2014. What does MCPB policy say about that? It's on the KZYX website too. So let's take a gander at that:
Page 3, Item 1.4: "The audit is done at the end of each fiscal year by an auditor hired by the Board of Directors. The unit includes the examination of the books and records by a qualified person from outside MCPB to ensure the financial statements are true and accurate."
So MCPB's written policy requires the preparation of annual audited financial statements. But for seven years, they weren't done. So go back to the part of the KZYX website with financial statements. Almost to the bottom. Where it shows six years of filings to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. They're annual financial reports, or AFRs. 2008 thru 2013.
Just for grins, go to the one for 2013:
Go to Page 10, Item 8. Where it says, "Total Expenses (sum of lines 1 to 7) must agree with audited financial statements".
The ones that MCPB's executive director swears didn't exist.
Am I missing something here?
Scott M. PetersonMendocino

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