[Kzyxtalk] The sad state of secret society ritual handshake dance rigamarole is sad.

Marco McClean memo at mcn.org
Sat Apr 16 18:49:08 PDT 2016

The recording of last night's (2016-04-15) KNYO and KMEC Memo of the 
Air: Good Night Radio show is available to download for free via 

Ah, the wonders and conveniences of modern technology. The streaming 
computer at KNYO somehow changed settings, which resulted in real-time 
warbly and clicky autotune-sounding pitch change going out on the air 
and to web listeners, and the not-clicky not-warbly recording of this 
7-hour show showed up as being 8 hours and so of course lower in pitch. 
/The Jews have a word for how I felt when I discovered all this./ But I 
used CoolEdit to simply speed up the recording by a ratio of 48000:44100 
and saved that. Result: the recording you get (see above) is the proper 
length and plays at the proper speed and sounds pretty good, which is 
nice, because Stuart Cohen came and played and sang for over an hour, 
starting at a little before 11, so if that’s the only part you’re 
interested in, skip ahead to an hour-fifty into the show.

Also at http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com you'll find a splendid 
repository of links to not necessarily radio-useful but nonetheless 
interesting things to see and do and learn about, such as:

Like clockwork.

Illicit Chernobyl spelunkery.

A big cat twisting in air. Because it can.

And /He took his skin off for me./*

*You'll recall /They're made of meat./

Marco McClean
memo at mcn.org

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