[Kzyxtalk] Open Letter to Representative Jared Huffman

sako4 at comcast.net sako4 at comcast.net
Fri Apr 1 14:38:41 PDT 2016

We do need a woman on the ticket. Here she is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsi_Gabbard 

I hope Bernie picks Congresswoman Gabbard! 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Erif" <Erif at saber.net> 
To: "kzyxtalk" <kzyxtalk at lists.mcn.org> 
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2016 2:29:52 PM 
Subject: Re: [Kzyxtalk] Open Letter to Representative Jared Huffman 

Go, Sako! 

On 4/1/2016 11:37 AM, sako4 at comcast.net wrote: 

Dear Representative Jared Huffman 

Does Hillary Clinton really consider herself to be above the law? How does she act? Just ask yourself. 

Clinton, who has been at the epicenter of scandal (e.g., lying to the parents of the deceased in Benghazi, engaging in alleged quid pro quo corruption at the Clinton Foundation, bullying her husband’s sexual assault accusers), now faces an FBI probe not on one, not on two, but on three counts of alleged misconduct. 

In July of 2015, the FBI began an “extremely serious” probe into whether Clinton mishandled classified information when she chose to conduct State Department business on a private server in her home in violation of federal law. The probe has continually ballooned with the surfacing of new information. In November, for example, the FBI expanded its investigation into whether Clinton and her team provided “materially false statements” to agents during the course of the case. 

There's more. 

Just this month, an credible anonymous source at the DOJ told national media that the FBI agents “are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed” to see if there were violations of public corruption laws. This comes after a formal complaint was filed, alleging that the former Secretary of State gave “preferential treatment” to wealthy campaign donors, running afoul of ethics laws and regulations (ironically passed during her husband’s tenure). 

So much for being a woman of the people! But anyone half awake knows that was never the case since most of us would not consider ourselves “dead broke” upon leaving the White House. Hillary Clinton lies like she breathes, and she is not broke like many Americans is our stalled economy. Clinton made herself rich on speaker fees paid by the robber barons of Wall Street. She and her husband made themselves rich at the Clinton Foundation which is a money laundering operation for the power elite of the world. She believes -- and acts -- like she is above the law. 

Please don't vote for Clinton as a superdelegate. Sure, we need a woman in the White House, and that woman is Senator Elizabeth Warren. But until she is a presidential candidate, please support Senator Bernie Sanders . 

Thank you. 

-- John Sakowicz, Ukiah CA 

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