[Kzyxtalk] Open Letter to Representative Jared Huffman

Erif Erif at saber.net
Fri Apr 1 14:29:52 PDT 2016

Go, Sako!

On 4/1/2016 11:37 AM, sako4 at comcast.net wrote:
> Dear Representative Jared Huffman 
> <https://www.facebook.com/jared.huffman.9/?hc_location=ufi>
> Does Hillary Clinton really consider herself to be above the law? How 
> does she act? Just ask yourself.
> Clinton, who has been at the epicenter of scandal (e.g., lying to the 
> parents of the deceased in Benghazi, engaging in alleged quid pro quo 
> corruption at the Clinton Foundation, bullying her husband’s sexual 
> assault accusers), now faces an FBI probe not on one, not on two, but 
> on three counts of alleged misconduct.
> In July of 2015, the FBI began an “extremely serious” probe into 
> whether Clinton mishandled classified information when she chose to 
> conduct State Department business on a private server in her home in 
> violation of federal law. The probe has continually ballooned with the 
> surfacing of new information. In November, for example, the FBI 
> expanded its investigation into whether Clinton and her team provided 
> “materially false statements” to agents during the course of the case.
> There's more.
> Just this month, an credible anonymous source at the DOJ told national 
> media that the FBI agents “are investigating the possible intersection 
> of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department 
> contracts and whether regular processes were followed” to see if there 
> were violations of public corruption laws. This comes after a formal 
> complaint was filed, alleging that the former Secretary of State gave 
> “preferential treatment” to wealthy campaign donors, running afoul of 
> ethics laws and regulations (ironically passed during her husband’s 
> tenure).
> So much for being a woman of the people! But anyone half awake knows 
> that was never the case since most of us would not consider ourselves 
> “dead broke” upon leaving the White House. Hillary Clinton lies like 
> she breathes, and she is not broke like many Americans is our stalled 
> economy. Clinton made herself rich on speaker fees paid by the robber 
> barons of Wall Street. She and her husband made themselves rich at the 
> Clinton Foundation which is a money laundering operation for the power 
> elite of the world. She believes -- and acts -- like she is above the 
> law.
> Please don't vote for Clinton as a superdelegate. Sure, we need a 
> woman in the White House, and that woman is Senator Elizabeth Warren. 
> But until she is a presidential candidate, please support Senator 
> Bernie Sanders.
> Thank you.
> -- John Sakowicz, Ukiah CA
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