[Kzyxtalk] Proposals, Agenda

dennisobrien at sharejerusalem.com dennisobrien at sharejerusalem.com
Wed Oct 28 09:32:03 PDT 2015

[sent to the board 10/27]

Thank you for agreeing to take action on three of the proposals and moving forward on a fourth.  As for the remaining eight, I ask the full board to consider my responses to the concerns that have been raised.  It is not too late to add an item to the agenda, or to consider it for action at a later meeting.
In particular, please consider extending the deadline for becoming a member eligible-to-vote to January 31, instead of February 28 as proposed.  This will still allow a full month to prepare and certify the voting rolls, the maximum allowed for any public election.  January 31 is also the deadline for becoming a member eligible to run for a seat on the board, and for candidates to declare and submit their statements.  Thus the rolls would be closed before there is any official campaigning, an important consideration for some.

Of all of the proposals, this is the one that requires immediate action, action that only the board can take.  Please consider adding this to the list of proposals you are willing to consider for approval at Monday's meeting.

Dennis O'Brien

Hello Dennis,

I have already created the agenda for the Nov 2 meeting (attached below).  You will see that I have added for Board discussion the 4 points from your 12 suggestions that we thought were do-able.  If the Board has questions they can talk to you - as you see they are all included here - or to me, or to Stuart.

Meg Courtney
Board President
Mendocino County Public Broadcasting 

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