[Kzyxtalk] Bottom Line

Liz Helenchild deejayliz at yahoo.com
Mon May 12 22:29:41 PDT 2014

Esteemed & treasured KZ's,

To quote that roots reggae band Third World: One Cold Vibe Couldn't Stop Dis Ya Boogie.
To quote Norman de Vall:

Democracy has never been easy and right now KZYX is secretive, lacks transparency and 
lacks democratic principles and policies.
But that is not a reason to risk losing it.
This is not the time to either strike or boycott.
Now is the time to contribute for change.

My musings, as a music programmer waiting my turn at pledge driving Thur afternoon, are:

Bottom line,  our community needs to keep the KZYX signal on air despite our differences. It is essential to support the pledge drive, i.e tune in, subscribe, re-up membership, kick down challenges, urge our friends to do likewise, etc. Stay connected, keep talking to each other. Courteous discourse is the key. Patience is grace. 

 of any stripe at least keeps folks focusing on the subject.

Criticism presented in a civil matter is not to be feared & can be helpful. It's easier & more dramatic, alas, to tear down than to create a complex structure. 

Just sayin',

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