[Kzyxtalk] KZYX take note - No more fracking NPR

David Gurney jugglestone at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 07:51:40 PDT 2014

NPR — Can’t Hear You

I don’t know if you heard about this – but it’s a big deal: National Public
Radio has been accepting money from the Fracking Industry lately and it’s
been influencing their coverage. Our friends at Environmental Action have
been tracking this ugly story and campaigning to put an end to this
disturbing trend. They’re planning an awesome action in DC this week to
show NPR they know what’s going on, and they’re going to stop it. We know
that money warping our best public institutions is an issue you care deeply
about, whether it’s fracking, Big Oil or the megabanks. Can you join us and
Environmental Action in letting NPR know that it’s time to step the frack
back from fracking money?

Thanks, John Sellers, The Other 98%
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