[Kzyxtalk] [MCN-Discussion]- Paul Lambert-summary

Tim Gregory tgregory at saber.net
Thu Apr 10 19:45:33 PDT 2014

i agree, ann...

poison-penning purple-prosing passive-agressive sore losers ape around here still,
and no one MUST listen...i want to thank norman again for initiative, and doug mck
for standing up to serve again, before i go.

see you on fb?

People!  Listen to yourselves
you do not even know this man
he has not even had a
chance to act in any way other than deal with acrimonious suspicions and negative
innuendo.  The members have voted for him.  Members who you all seem to  think you
represent.  I do not know him either.  Have never met him.  Nor anyone who was
elected.  But I have grown very protective of the board and staff of KZYX based on
all the negativity aimed at them.
If this list is just this sort of snipping
then there is no one to talk to and I
might as well get off too.

On Apr 10, 2014, at 3:52 PM, nsi at mcn.org wrote:

Paul Lambert just out and lied to get elected.  Claiming himself an "advocacy
journalist" was the one that made me upchuck. Mirrors like kzyxtalk challenge his
Dorian Grey sense of self.
So Paul, if you are still lurking on any of these remainding lists: we know you as a
very duplicitous and fairly cowardly soul.
Anyway folks: when you add King's votes to Doug's it was absolutely neck-to-neck, if
you count the ballot that was never mailed to John Sakowitz. Though it was really
Peter's that would have been the tie breaker.  --beth bosk

----- Original Message -----
"King Collins" <king at greenmac.com>

<kzyxtalk at lists.mcn.org>
<parentsforpeace at yahoogroups.com>, <discussion at lists.mcn.org>
Thu, 10 Apr 2014 11:17:58 -0700
[MCN-Discussion]- Paul Lambert-summary

I want to thank the others on this list who have let Paul and I talk to each other
without interruption. Here's my final comment and summary:
Dear Paul Lambert.
The question was: "As a member of the board will you report back, regularly and
transparently, to the rest of us on this list (or one that is equally open) about
the dialog taking place on the board?" That is a hard question for you as a new
board member. Rather than answer, you have quit the list and called it a "waste of
time" and presumably we will never hear from you again, except through the sanitized
pronouncements of the board majority.
Obviously, you are not comfortable with such a direct question. I mistakenly thought
that your experience with media would encourage you to be more open. And I was
mislead by your agreement with John McCowen that the board should "address
controversy directly."
I'm sure you are a nice guy, Paul, and I'm sorry I put you on the spot. --king

"Sometimes I think the world is divided into those who have a comfortable
relationship with power and those who have a naturally adversarial relationship with
power." --arundhati roy.

* * * *
Previouslyh posted. Collins said:

It's a terrific question, you say, but you can't answer it.

The thing is Paul, at the Candidates Forum, I quoted Supervisor McCowen's advice to
the board: " Don't shy away from controversy Address it directly in an open lines
format."Don't shy away from controversy. Address it directly in an open lines
You were next to speak and you said, emphatically, that you agreed with McCowen on
that. Excellent advice you said. And I was glad to hear that, and I'

I'm sure it got you some votes. But now I hear you equivocating. Am I wrong?

The question about reporting back to the members is something which you should
answer as an individual, as a man, as a man with a background in media, no matter
what the board may say. There is no rule to look up. The question is put to you as
an individual.

You have our respectful attention.

--king collins

ps. You ask what I and others did. I am tempted to answer, but let's try to keep the
focus. This is a different time than last year We know more. We had a pretty good
democratic process, and you were elected. Not me. Not Doug.

* * * *


That's a terrific question which, at this point, I am unable to answer because I do
not know what the board rules are; my Intro to the
Board takes place weekend after next.

I'll be able to know what my responsibilities to the board and the membership are
after that.

When you were on the board, did you do so?

I don't recall Doug or John S. doing that.

If not, why me ?


On Apr 4, 2014, at 1:13 PM, King Collins <king at greenmac.com> wrote:

Dear Paul Lambert,
I have already said how much I appreciate your willingness to listen to members.
Here's my question:
As a member of the board willl you report back, regularly and transparently, to the
rest of us on this list (or one that is equally open) about the dialog taking place
on the board? That would mean that you would report the topics discussed on the
board listserv and at committee meetings, not only those that are broadly agreed to
but also those that are disputed, with the understanding that you would not report
on matters that are properly confidential, which is limited to certain personnel or
legal issues.
--king collins


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