[Kzyxtalk] Dead List

she-la sheila.dawn50 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 3 14:23:07 PDT 2014

      It is curious that the term 'our way or the highway' keeps resurfacing by management & staff who are now using it to refer to the people who are seeking transparency and inclusion in the decision making process of our community radio station. 
    It was originally used in an article I wrote, " Fear & Loathing at KZYX's  Philo Fortress," to demonstrate the management & staff's intolerance of anyone who doesn't agree with whatever information is being put forth by the same people.
   I find it ironic that in accusing others of this philosophy, both you & Bob Page go on to ask members to leave the station. Isn't that exactly what is meant by 'our way or the highway'? Is this a good philosophy to grow station membership? 
  I have been careful in my work to try to stick to the issue of how and by whom important decisions for the station's resources and direction are made. Your response seems a bit over the top of what an accurate portrayal of the situation might be.
  I am sorry that you have been personally attacked but please don't resort to a shotgun approach and include others who are not responsible for another person's lack of tact.
   The election should be able to help discern whether the issues raised are supported by the majority of the membership. Let's leave it there.
   Sheila Dawn

David <uw at kzyx.org> wrote:

>So some on this list serve wish to keep it going, as in "We need to
>encourage the Board & Mgmt to Listen to the membership".
>Which members? This list is a very small collection (certainly not a
>verifiable sample or cross-section, and not all are members) of listeners,
>of people who advocate for "their way or the highway". There are many other
>members not on this list serve who don't agree with them. That's been plain
>as day to anyone who's attended recent board meetings and heard rational,
>thoughtful people express support for what is being done here, countering
>the emotional dribble coming from the "change at all costs" few. Thankfully
>some rational people also offer their perspective on this list from time to
>time. But it's become obvious that the majority of the usual suspects on
>this list are a group existing in a bubble of their own creation. 
>They've insisted that we must change. Let me state unequivocally: it is they
>who must change. Let me be more direct. If you don't like the successful
>turn-around this business known as KZYX has made during the past 5 years,
>feel free to advocate for chaos but don't tell us that we must return to the
>mismanagement of the past. Better yet leave us. Maybe it's time for you to
>go away and support only the stations you hold up as paragons of virtuous
>public radio and let us spend time growing this station instead of
>responding to scurrilous remarks.
>Where were these geniuses when the station was digging itself into debt?
>Where were their voices when maintenance was deferred? Where were they when
>the roof began leaking? Where were these true-believers when sound
>verifiable bookkeeping, audits, and sound business practices were ignored?
>Some of the loudest voices now were board members, employees, or programmers
>back then. But they've forgotten the past. They've forgotten their
>contribution to the chaos, chaos that was not a creation of the current GM
>or others here right now. 
>The sinking ship we have been righting for the past 5-6 years was a creation
>of the sheer neglect by many of the same people calling for change now. Some
>of those people have made accusations, repeated on this list-serve and
>sometimes published in local print publications without ever responding
>directly when called out about their name-calling, lies, innuendos, and
>mischaracterizations. I've been the subject of some of this name-calling and
>even when refuted by me personally or by others who know the truth, the name
>calling continues. 
>When Norman asks whether the list should continue, I feel obliged to ask,
>"why the question now" Norman? Where was the question when vitriol and
>spurious remarks were offered by Sakowicz or McKenty or Christina, etc., as
>part of regular attacks on John Coate, or Mary, or me, or others? Those
>attacks didn't seem to raise an eyebrow then, but when anyone counters the
>apparent dishonest nature of Mr. Sakowicz we suddenly need to rethink the
>continuation of this list-serve?  Perhaps that wasn't Norman's intention
>when he raised the question but the timing is curious.
>Keep this listserve or get rid of it. I really don't care. But while it
>exists I will not sit idly by and allow people to attack any one of us. And
>I expect that at some point, others who read so much of this garbage will
>call the authors out as well.
>David Steffen
>KZYX Business Development
>(707) 895-2324 office
>(707) 322-9895 cell
>(707) 895-2451 fax
>  _____  
>From: kzyxtalk-bounces at lists.mcn.org [mailto:kzyxtalk-bounces at lists.mcn.org]
>On Behalf Of rusert at mcn.org
>Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 10:12 AM
>To: Kzyxtalk at lists.mcn.org
>Subject: [Kzyxtalk] Dead List
>Norman - this is the time when the KZYX list will be the MOST important. We
>need to encourage the Board & Mgmt to Listen to the membership. 
>Thanks, Brent Rusert
>  _____  
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