[Kzyxtalk] kzyxtalk…Does it help or harm?

David Gurney jugglestone at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 10:46:31 PDT 2014

"The nice thing about an e-mail list is, I don't have to read anything if I
don't want to; certain people get deleted unread.  Can't do anything
similar on air!"

Not true.  On the air, certain people get tuned out, un-listened to.


On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 8:51 AM, Tim Bray <tbray at wildblue.net> wrote:

>  Norman,
> I joined specifically to prevent this from being just another platform for
> those who want to tear things apart.  I've been trying to provide
> countervailing views and ask questions to help figure out what we all have
> in common and who is actually interested in helping.  It was my hope that
> we could have conversations here, instead of just posting rants, like the
> AVA does.  And it's worked, to some extent; for example, King and I have
> found some common ground, which I doubt would have happened otherwise.
> I don't find it ironic at all to assume that an Internet forum like this
> would be a better place to have this kind of discussion than the airwaves.
> Two people can have a conversation on the air; three, tops.  When it's your
> turn to speak, you can really only respond to the last speaker, maybe to
> one point from the speaker before that; it's impossible to hold a thread
> through more than two speakers, especially for the listener.
>  And here we have no time limits (for better or worse), and it is possible
> to carry on multiple simultaneous conversations.  It's a lot easier to
> respond to specifics here than it would be on-air, where you get one shot
> before the discussion moves on - a situation that favors the bullshitter.
> The nice thing about an e-mail list is, I don't have to read anything if I
> don't want to; certain people get deleted unread.  Can't do anything
> similar on air!
> So all in all, I favor continuing this experiment.  If you have specific
> goals or desires in mind, it would be helpful to remind us all of those
> from time to time.
> Tim
> --
> Oak & Thorn <http://oakandthorn.wordpress.com>
> Facebook: Oak and Thorn
> On 4/2/2014 5:43 PM, Norman de Vall wrote:
> Ann,
> I had hoped, when I launched kzyxtalk some months ago, it would provide
> a forum to express ideas, differences and eventually find co-operative
> suggestions that would benefit the station.  A forum which station management,
> board, members and listeners could raise issues which could not be broadcast.
> Indeed, what an irony?  To go to the internet to discuss what could not be
> said on any radio program being aired.
> Once again I was overly optimistic that we would contribute, build and do better.
> But if kzyxtalk has become a platform to tear down the station and find only
> fault, I ask you, should I take down the kzyxtalk list.serv?
> I would appreciate yours and others opinion.
> Norman
> kzyxtalk host
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