[Kzyxtalk] kzyxtalk…Does it help or harm?

ann brown divinesight at icloud.com
Wed Apr 2 17:58:42 PDT 2014

Hi Norman,

My first response is that this KZYXlist forum is, in fact, helping to clarify issues.  

One of the things that has been clarified is that not all people want to be co-operative, do not want to consider facts, do not want to "play well with others."

If the KZYXlist is cancelled, all of this debate will just slither over to the other lists which, perhaps, is where it belongs.  However, the Announce list will protest that it should be moved to Discussion and many folks won't venture onto the Discussion because it can be overwhelming.

My question still stands.  If membership votes people on, can membership vote people off…at least petition/pressure the Board to take such a vote.

People who like to criticize all to often also like to sue.  I would hate to see our loved radio station caught up in contentious lawsuits, as it is now caught up in contentious wrangling.

Thank you.

On Apr 2, 2014, at 5:43 PM, Norman de Vall <ndevall at mcn.org> wrote:


I had hoped, when I launched kzyxtalk some months ago, it would provide
a forum to express ideas, differences and eventually find co-operative
suggestions that would benefit the station.  A forum which station management,
board, members and listeners could raise issues which could not be broadcast.

Indeed, what an irony?  To go to the internet to discuss what could not be 
said on any radio program being aired.

Once again I was overly 

But if kzyxtalk has become a platform to tear down the station and find only
fault, I ask you, should I take down the kzyxtalk list.serv?

I would appreciate yours and others opinion.

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