Memo -- News about Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio.


About Memo
English (USA)

My name is Marco Angelo McClean. Memo Of The Air: Good Night Radio is a radio show on KNYO (107.7fm) in Fort Bragg, California*. On Friday nights from 9pm (California time) until very late (usually about 4am) I read local writing and stories and articles from the web and from books and magazines. And I play old music and old-time radio drama from my collection and new music that catches my ear.

Email me stories and poems you write and I’ll read them on the very next Memo of the Air. There’s no set subject and no hard rule about a piece’s length, though I might split a very long piece into several parts over several shows.

I’m certain that the best way to learn to write is to write for an audience and sit in that audience and listen to someone else read what you wrote. You hear immediately what to change and how to express yourself better. Try it and see.

This listserv is mainly to apprise you of each new show's having been done live and then recorded and uploaded, ready for you to get it and listen to it.

*105.1fm KMEC Ukiah has just joined the small but growing number of radio stations to use my show in real time by grabbing the stream. KMEC joins the show in progress at midnight and lets go at 3am. If you have a radio station and you’d like to carry my show, let me know.

To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Memo Archives.

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