[Kzyxtalk] Fwd: [MCN-Announce]- Recognizing when you're allowing yourself to be trolled.

David Gurney jugglestone at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 13:40:42 PST 2024

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marco McClean <memo at mcn.org>
Date: Mon, Jan 1, 2024 at 7:34 PM
Subject: [MCN-Announce]- Recognizing when you're allowing yourself to be
To: announce at lists.mcn.org <announce at lists.mcn.org>

Marco here, Alan. If you don't like /the whole list/ of people, why
subscribe to it, unless it's like a Mormon subscribing to Hustler, for
the same titillating reason normal readers would, but with the added
attraction of getting high on your own moral outrage at the same time,
which many Mormons consider hot, I have read. (The porn-use heat map is
past orange and into brown in Mormon country.) And if it's only one or
two people in the group who you can't stand, why not just block their
email addresses? And if that's not good enough, because others allow
themselves to be trolled by them into responding so you see them anyway,
filter out emails whose body text contains the offender's name. And the
next day when you look, only the wonderful people are there and the
trolls are not, and you can lean back and breathe, "Ahhhh," and wonder
why you didn't do this a long time ago. And if they're fixated on you,
when they realize they're not reaching you and they make up another
Secret Squirrel name for themself, block that.

If the reason you don't solve it in those ways is that they're still out
there somewhere, sitting at the computer in their undershorts, writing
jerky things and woo-hooing and picking their nose and being awful,
/maybe thinking they're saving the world from people like you/, and the
idea of not keeping current on their output frightens you, here's some
really scary news: There are millions and millions of people in the
world, maybe a thousand miles away, but also maybe right next door or
down the street or facing you across the counter in the store, who are
thinking and saying and writing horrible things all the time where you
can't hear, and you will never know which ones they are or what exactly
they're bigoted about or how much they despise people like you, because
there's only so much time in the day to punch yourself in the nose with
media. Life is short. Why waste it rising to trolls? You're only giving
them what they want.

All along, you have had a magic button you can press to make everyone
you hate vanish from your life. But you seem to want a button you can
press to make everyone you hate vanish from everyone else's life too.
The first thing is fair and right, the second thing isn't, because if
everyone had the second kind of button, how many people would be left in
all the world? Very few, and they'd probably all be sweet-natured Down
syndrome people without a mean bone in their body, which might be nice
for them for like five minutes, and then where did their loved ones go?
And what happens when the utilities break down, and the fuel deliveries
stop, and nobody's feeding any of the billions of fenced and shut in
farm animals and zoo animals and pets, and so on. Maybe in a couple
hundred thousand years or so, raccoons or ravens might evolve to have
really big brains and develop a civilization of their own, and send
scientists into the poison zones to learn about what our kind were like
from the durable crap we left behind, titanium golf clubs and hip
joints, gold jewelry, strata of compacted telephone books in landfills,
a pyramid or two, and figure us out.

Marco McClean, memo at mcn.org

David Gurney <jugglestone at gmail.com>
8:59 AM (4 hours ago)
to Marco
What kind of scumbag uses their own personal radio show to demean,
denigrate and defame other members of a small community?

. . .
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