[Kzyxtalk] Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio tonight!

Marco McClean memo at mcn.org
Fri Feb 16 16:47:50 PST 2018

Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio: Every Friday, 9pm to about 4am on 
107.7fm KNYO-LP Fort Bragg, and 105.1fm KMEC-LP Ukiah. And also there 
and anywhere else via http://knyo.org or if that doesn't work for you 
try http://TuneIn.com and look up KNYO-LP

I'll be in Fort Bragg for tonight's show. If you want to talk about your 
project or read aloud your writing in person, or bring your 
instrument(s) and/or fellow instrumentalists and play a short set, or 
invent an entirely new thing to do with radio that no-one has ever 
thought of before, you can drop by 325 N. Franklin, next door to the Tip 
Top bar after 9pm and just wander in. Head for the lighted room at the 
back and you're shiny.
If you like to speak with proper swears, or if it just comes out that 
way because you're a free spirit or a manic pixie or the president of 
the United States, wait till 10pm, because otherwise it agitates the 
weasels. The Cordwainer Smith psychic planetary defense weasels. I've 
explained about them before; I'm not going through all that again. Let 
them sleep.

A lot of Serbo-Croatian music for musical breaks tonight. And Russian 
vaudeville. Accordionical cover tune artistry of the talented and 
provocative Persiflette. A choir of Chinese old folks belting out a Lady 
Gaga medley (you've heard these people before; they're great), 
Australian cut-and-paste master Pogo's latest percussive/melodic 
assemblage, Desi Arnaz from his pre-Lucy lounge career (Latin yodeling), 
Leo Fuld, The Sabras...

The deadline to email your writing to be read on MOTA is always about 5 
or 6pm the night of the show, no matter where I'm doing the show from. 
So as of this writing you have /hours/ to get that together for tonight, 
and it only takes a minute. Just paste your poem or essay or kvetch or 
sale item or event notice or whatever into the body of an email, check 
that it's going to me and not to the whole group, unless that's what you 
want, and press /send/ boldly with your favorite send finger, or really 
any finger you have left after The Incident, which I'm sorry about but, 
you know, genetically engineered weasels are still weasels, and without 
them where would we be? Enslaved to alien overlords, that's where, and 
insultingly forced to worship at the altar of strange and terrible and 
sneering tawdry plaster-and-poster-paint gods who do /nothing/ to help a 
sportsball team win, nor to stop a tornado or an earthquake or grow back 
a limb (or a finger) nor revise time and bring lost loved ones back from 
the grave, and who have the stink of the pit and the sense of humor of a 
box of hammers.

Besides that, you can have /your own whole regular radio show/ on KNYO. 
Contact Bob Young: bobb at poetworld.net and introduce yourself; you'll be 
on the schedule just like /that/!

Marco McClean
memo at mcn.org

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