[Kzyxtalk] KZYX info

doug mckenty dougmck at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 19:12:04 PST 2018

I don’t think the membership does control the programming through dollars or anything else. The station lost half of its community funding between 2004-2006 because of a shift to NPR programming and away from locally produced radio. The loss of funds only caused KZYX to double down on NPR. 

I think what happened at KZYX is a small number of NPR fanatics took control of the station and will not let go despite the obviously flawed business model. They are breaking literally nearly every by-law and past board directive to do so, as well as nearly running the station into the ground financially as NPR is not what many in this community want to hear. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 13, 2018, at 1:17 PM, Tim Gregory <tgregory at saber.net> wrote:
> Doug and Kelly...
> Doug, you know i’m eternally grateful for your in-house efforts. (With none left for
> the ad hominem wielding detractors)...kzyx is not a public utility, though, rather
> it’s the frail, flawed non-profit business you left. kzyx is a vestige of true
> community radio, and yet its employees are not the enemy.
> Likewise, neither cpb nor fcc control its content. The membership does, through
> dollars, and we can be sure the parasitic relationship to npr is part of that.
> So the begging bowls come out again and sure enough the scorched-earth tin-pot
> reformers. Mike Sweeney nails candidate Bruce Anderson, but so many new to the
> footprint may not see the hazards of an even MORE disfunctional BOD.
> So, Doug, if sabotage is still in the air—how do you stand now?
> —-
> Then what?
> Here's a ten-point plan:
> 1. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) should immediately demand the
> resignations of the current Board of Directors. The CPB should also immediately
> terminate the current GM and his salaried cronies...the other paid staff at the
> station.
> 2. The CPB should hold new elections that it oversees. The newly elected Board
> should hire new staff, starting with the GM.
> 3. The new Board should strongly consider adopting a new business model, a la KMUD,
> that mandates real inclusiveness and ensures the integrity of public representation
> in a truly "public radio station".
> 4. The new Board should review all by-laws, policies and procedures, and their
> enforcement.
> 5. Old programmers should be termed out, if they have have hosted shows for ten
> years or more. Again, no cronyism.
> 6. Past IRS Form 990s from the last ten years should be reviewed for accuracy,
> truthfulness, and completeness.
> 7. The new Board should order a complete audit of of the station's financials,
> especially the inconsistencies among the station's balance sheets, income
> statements, budgets, tax returns, and so-called "audits".
> 8. The new Board should order a review of the banking relationship with the
> Mendocino Savings Bank.
> 9. The new Board should recruit a new Program Advisory Committee and Community
> Advisory Board that is truly inclusive and truly representative of the public, and
> that is not stacked with the friends and family of former Board directors, staff, 
> and programmers...again, no cronyism. This effort should also be overseen by the
> CPB.
> 10. The FCC should be advised of these changes in governance and management.
> As a footnote, if KZYX/KZYZ/Mendocino County Public Broadcasting can't be rescued
> and turned around, and if the Board of Directors, Program Advisory Committee, and
> Community Advisory Board cant be made to be truly inclusive, and if the station's
> management and finances can''t be made to be truly accountable and transparent, then
> the station's two FCC licenses, KZYX and KZYZ,  should be transferred to other
> public radio stations in the area, like KMUD or KMEC, or, in the alternative, a new
> Mendocino County-based public radio station should be incorporated and it should
> apply to the FCC for these licenses.
> Public media is a privilege, not a right. And it is a sacred trust.
> Respectfully submitted,
> John Sakowicz
> ---
>> On February 13, 2018 at 10:58 AM Kelly Grimes <grimie at mcn.org> wrote:
>>    Then what?
>>    On 2/13/2018 10:41 AM, John Sakowicz wrote:
>>>        The CPB should immediately defund KZYX and KZYZ/Mendocino County Public
>> Broadcasting. The FCC should consider suspending the station's licenses pending a
> full investigation. I speak as a former member of the Board of Directors and Board
> Treasurer of the station.
>>>        Current GM, Jeffery Parker, is as secretive and autocratic -- and
>> arrogant -- as former GM, John Coate...who belongs in prison. Public dollars
> disappear through waste, fraud, and corruption. Conflicts of interest and
> self-dealing are rife at the station.
>>>        John Sakowicz
>>>>            On February 12, 2018 at 6:02 PM doug mckenty <dougmck at gmail.com>
>> mailto:dougmck at gmail.com wrote:
>>>>            Seems like not much has changed. Anyone can read the bylaws and
>> discover that the current board is not following any of it. How
>> these “rubber stamp boards” can not only take control of
>> public utilities, but run off those who try to clean up the mess rather than just
> help do the right thing, is beyond me. Someone
>> should do a psychological cal study on how and why this happens. It is a real
> shame.
>>>>            Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>                On Feb 12, 2018, at 11:18 AM, Tim Gregory
>> <tgregory at saber.net> mailto:tgregory at saber.net wrote:
>>>>>                Why?
>>>>>                —-
>>>>>                Please take the time to read the post by
>>>>>                Scott Peterson re KZYX.  Please post
>>>>>                your thoughts re same on KZYXtalk.
>>>>>                Norman, Host
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