[Kzyxtalk] The bones of ancient knuckleheads.

Marco McClean memo at mcn.org
Sat Oct 28 16:00:19 PDT 2017

"Joan fails to comprehend the nature of her personal entrapment. Her 
attempts to seek out false alternatives that harm her potential for true 
independence lead to escalating patterns of supernatural chaos and 
violence. The original nightmares emerged from her uneasy relationship 
with her boorish husband. But they also take on a sinister form of 
development as a result of her flirtation with a world of witchcraft 
which is as stifling and conformist as the deadly world she seeks escape 
from." -The Sun

The recording of last night's (2017-10-27) KNYO (and for the middle-end 
half or so, KMEC) Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show is ready to 
download for free and enjoy at any time of the day or night, via 

A seven-hour show. A pretty good one, even though I somehow misplaced 
half an hour of material, including a story by Eleanor Cooney. There’s 
always next week. The novel /El Sereno/ by Jay Frankston reached the end 
this show with Chapter 38. John Passyka sent a story of the giant pet 
owl he raised from a tiny baby. Scott Peterson, in part three of a 
series, expunged his demons regarding Project Sanctuary and the Anderson 
Valley Advertiser. Zeke Krahlin told a story about a friendly lonely 
werewolf and his friendly lonely friend. Lanny Cotler called and talked 
about his service in Vietnam, books he wrote, movies he made, the /radio 
station in Willits he begat/ (KLLG). Peter Lit's diplomatic take on 
Jerry Philbrick's angry racist right-wing rants. Some letters about 
Measure B, pro and/or con. History, science, creepy snark, recipes for 
both disaster and what H. Beam Piper's Little Fuzzies would call 
/wunnafuru foog/. It's a lot to digest.

Besides that, as usual also there you'll find a fresh batch of links to 
other interesting and educational goods I collected for you while 
putting the show together, to add to the literally zillions of wonders 
and amusements already there, that might not necessarily work on the 
radio because of being mostly visual. Such as:

The infernal cauldron (Melies, 1903).

A rundown of time travel in fiction.

A chart for design workers to help you decide: should you work for free? 
It's big. Move over to start at the center.

Ruben Bolling’s latest /Super-Fun-Pak Comix/.

And a compendium of Demonology and Magick.

Marco McClean
memo at mcn.org

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