[Kzyxtalk] Monorail!

Marco McClean memo at mcn.org
Sat Sep 24 19:45:25 PDT 2016


"Council meeting to consider placing traffic lights at the corner of 
Slough of Despond Blvd and Vo-dodio-do Way. Bring your harrowing 
accident stories. We need this. The children need this." -G.K. Chesterton

The recording of last night's (2016-09-23) KNYO and KMEC Memo of the 
Air: Good Night Radio show is available to download and keep and skip 
around in via http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com

You can still get it that way if that's been working for you. But this 
is the future and so there's another way. Hank Sims, publisher of Lost 
Coast Outpost, offered to set me up with a podcast. I told him about the 
complaints I'd been getting because of difficulties some people have 
with downloading shows via MediaFire, which is visually busy with 
flashing ads and numerous attractive-but-not-the-right-one download 
buttons, and he said, no problem, he'd take care of it. I asked him what 
he needed me to do to help, and the next email I got from him said, 
basically, /You don't have to do anything but what you're already doing. 
Just continue to send your shows to MediaFire as you've been and I'll 
take it from there./ And half an hour later he wrote:

Now there is a Memo of the Air podcast feed here:

People who have podcast apps can plug that URL into their app, and they 
can download Memo of the Air that way, if they so choose, unless they 
use iTunes, in which case they can only get their podcasts through the 
iTunes Store and not via a direct URL, and I’m not dealing with that, 
because it’s too hard.

Also, there is a hidden page on the Outpost that contains direct links 
to downloads of episodes. This could be easier for your people who have 
trouble downloading from Mediafire. It’s here:

So --sorry, Marco here again-- if you want to hear the show(s), and you 
like the old way, continue as you were. Or get the podcast. Or if you 
want to directly download a show (or click on a Play button and just 
play it), try the direct way Hank offers.

I don't know what I did to deserve this jiffy service and I truly 
appreciate it. Carry on, people, all watched over by machines of loving 
grace programmed by generous, competent souls like Hank Sims, to whom my 
hat is not only off but flung into the air and hanging for a flag atop 
the gleaming radio antenna of a (figurative) heaven that fairly admits 
all dogs, not just certificated service dogs. Even nervous ratlike 
teacup dogs that in life rode everywhere in their smoky-voiced 
mistresses' shoulder bag, including into the grocery store in the baby 
seat of the cart. /That/ heaven.

Further, at http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com you'll find links to 
practically a telephone book of things to read and play with and learn 
about, that wouldn't necessarily work via radio but that are nonetheless 
worthwhile, that I found while putting radio shows together, and all of 
it for free. Items such as:

A way to provide decent wi-fi anywhere there's electricity, even out the 
ridge roads. Done. (Soon.)

A song composed by artificial intelligence in the style of the Beatles.

And a sad commentary on America. Woe betide you, huddled masses we 
invited here to breathe free and/or dragged here in chains to pick 
cotton, if we catch you out after dark in this neck of the woods.

Marco McClean
memo at mcn.org

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