[Kzyxtalk] Liability Coverage

Scott Peterson scottmartinpeterson at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 19 21:57:17 PDT 2016

Dear Ms. Courtney,

Until you start following MCPB policy, liability coverage isn't going

to happen. I'm talking about your screening process. Something that

should include psychological testing. Especially for management. Mr. 

Coate slipped through the cracks. For seven years. While your net

assets withered away to what they are today. Because you couldn't

follow policy.

Anyone in your organization's management should be tested. That 

includes those who give you legal advice. Until that happens, you're

not going to have any liability coverage. And neither will your fellow

fellow board members.

If you're up for reasonable inquiry, you can get more information here:


Otherwise you can continue relying on Mr. Coate.


Scott M. Peterson


cc:    Meg Courtney -- mcourtney1 (at) mcn.org         John Coate -- tex (at) well.com         Jonathan Middlebrook -- suspiry (at) gmail.com         Stuart Campbell -- scamp1104 (at) comcast.net         Benj Thomas -- ukiahguy (at) yahoo.com         Jenness Hartley -- bronzegold (at) gmail.com         Jane Futcher -- janefutcher (at) me.com         Clay Eubank -- clayeubank (at) gmail.com         KZYX Talk -- kzyxtalk (at) lists.mcn.org         David Hopmann -- david.hopmann (at) pillsburylaw.com

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Scott,According to our ex- GM John Coate, there IS NO policy.  Where did you get this information? John did not know what I was talking about when I inquired. Please let us know why you think this is the case?Meg CourtneyBoard PresidentKZYX & ZMendocino County Public Broadcasting 

of them, 

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