[Kzyxtalk] County pension fund should diversity investments

Norman de Vall ndevall at mcn.org
Fri Feb 19 07:55:38 PST 2016

We also need an educated, articulated worker base
made up of those who want to work at a job.
Most of our growth today is in one or a few people
Entrepreneurship's.  We don't have many who want
to join the "rank and file".

From my following of local businesses the weakest
component is the lack of adequate management.
(the county being a good example)Component

I tried to get the BoS to purchase the Masonite acreage
from International Paper and found zero interest.

I tried to get the Retirement Board decades ago to
purchase potential vineyard acres; again no interest.

During my term properties were offered to the County
for sheriff deputy housing but again no interest.

I've tried to get the Board to initiate "Clean Slate II"
in an effort to get non-code, non-permit structures
to become legal (as we did in the 1980s) and
again no interest.  And decades of property tax have
been lost in the interim.

I represent a company trying to initiate a $4.5m 
Improvement project.  The county paper process
to bring the property into compliance with the
General Plan designation has taken a 1.5 years
and should have been done when the Board approved
the new General Plan.  The "Re-Zoning" application
cost $3,000.  In the meantime the County has lost
at least $45,000 in lost property taxes.

We are being smothered with our semi-retired

Where are the graduates of "Leadership Mendocino"?


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