[Kzyxtalk] KZYX Community Advisory Board

Ronald Karish ronniek at wildblue.net
Tue Feb 16 22:49:17 PST 2016

The Community Advisory Board of KZYX will be holding several meetings in the further reaches of our listening area. These will be informal meetings, meaning that there may not be a quorum of CAB members present, and nothing will be voted on. The CAB wants to hear from you, discuss what you are interested in regarding KZYX, and will take your comments to the next Board of Directors meeting. Of course there will be snacks and drinks. The first of these informal meetings will be in Elk on Tuesday evening, February 23rd at the Greenwood School, 5150 So. Hwy. 1, at 6:30pm. Check the KZYX website for details or call 877-3475.
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