[Kzyxtalk] Eet ees a styupit game.

Marco McClean memo at mcn.org
Sat Feb 6 20:48:20 PST 2016

Hi, Marco here. It's not too late to hear last night's (2016-02-05) KNYO 
(and KMEC) Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show. The recording of the 
show is at http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com and it's ready to download 
and keep or just play with one click.

Sandy Glickfeld came by but was too shy to speak, so you may only 
psychically sense her presence, but that's better than nothing. Stuart 
Cohen brought his guitar and played a few new songs, where the mic was 
in just the right place and the sound quality is excellent. I'll be 
cutting those out and putting them in my music library to play in future 
too. A pretty good show. I think you'll like it.

"Eet ees a styupit game," comes from Jim Jarmusch’s black-and-white film 
/Stranger than Paradise/. A Hungarian girl's life is turned upside-down 
and she goes to America to stay in a bleak apartment in a bleak winter 
American city with her bleak cousin. He's watching football on a teevee 
on the folding table. She looks at it for a little while and declares it 
styupit. (This is before we knew that football causes brain damage, and 
that it's especially dangerous for schoolkids' brains.) (As well as for 
their health in other ways. I knew Larry Weldon, the world-class 
watercolorist; he lived next door when I was in high school. His 
school-age football injury in the 1940s required him to use braces on 
his legs and braced crutches to walk and caused him pain all the rest of 
his life.)

Also at http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com you'll find literally 
thousands and thousands of links to not necessarily radio-useful but 
nonetheless interesting things to see and hear and learn about, such as:

A comprehensive history of Japan in nine minutes.

The refugees' trip, in text, sound and short videos.

Star Wars as a grindhouse film trailer.

And the view from aboard a sinking ship-- all the way to the bottom.
With sound.


Marco McClean
memo at mcn.org

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