[Kzyxtalk] Release the Xmas Kraken!

Marco McClean memo at mcn.org
Sat Dec 17 05:47:06 PST 2016

The recording of last night's (2016-12-16) KNYO (and, three hours in, 
also KMEC) Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show is ready to download 
and enjoy, via http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com

An unusually even, coherent show. I think you'll like the recording, 
which was not affected by whatever went wrong with the connection to 
KMEC. I'm told KNYO got dicey a few times, later in the night, its 
automation shoving in snatches of music at random to cover when my 
stream there dropped. Sid Cooperider will figure out what's wrong on the 
KMEC end, and Bob Young will help me investigate what's wrong on the 
KNYO end. Part of the problem might even turn out to be the spiffy new 
cable service at Juanita's. Tomorrow's another day. It'll get sorted out.

Also, at http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com you'll find literally 
thousands of links to not necessarily radio-useful but certainly 
worthwhile things to see and/or do and learn about, rainy day or shiny 
day, such as:

A story about an invention so an artist with uncontrollable tremors can 
write her name again, and draw art, and be who she is. Play the video 
and see if you don't break down sobbing. I don't remember the last time 
I cried this hard. Wow.

The alien abduction tango.

Beautiful Iceland, from the air.

And no matter how careful you are, and no matter how much security 
cyber-crap you load your phone/computer/tablet/book-reader with, 
somewhere out there in a system you depend on there is a person standing 
by to utterly betray you, thinking he's helping you, because a tricky 
woman will play him like a violin by telling him her baby is crying.

Marco McClean
memo at mcn.org

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