[Kzyxtalk] KZYX Programming Policy

Scott Peterson scottmartinpeterson at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 30 16:49:59 PDT 2016

this is interesting .. the Programming Policy here -- dated December 9, 2008 -- is 1,706 words long .. I copied / pasted 

into Microsoft Word to get that count .. I did the same for the Programming Policy here:


also dated December 9, 2008 .. but the word count is 2,651 .. 

all the MCPB meeting minutes are here:


I haven't seen any minutes where the board of directors amended this policy .. but maybe I'm missing something .. 

so I'm copying this via email to Lorraine and Raoul with three questions:

--- which 945 words were removed from the Programming Policy dated December 9, 2008? .. 

--- who approved that removal? .. 

--- who did the proof reading on the new Programming Policy? (it's KZYX & Z, not KYX &Z) ..

also FYI, all approved MCPB policies can be found here:


that includes the 2,651 word Programming Policy .. 

Many thanks to Lorraine and Raoul for putting time and energy into implementing the Programming Policy and the Program Advisory Council (see below).  I am posting the policy itself so everyone knows what is involved.  It was difficult to reformat for this list, but it is readable.  The appendix referred to was even more difficult, so it is not included.  Perhaps the full Programming Policy could be put on the website, along with the Bylaws.  Perhaps all the policies could go there?  Would make discussions easier, more productive.

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