[Kzyxtalk] Mendocino Street Talk

Scott Peterson scottmartinpeterson at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 29 16:21:51 PDT 2016

maybe worth mentioning here .. I was walking down the street in Mendocino today .. 

then I got stopped by a person I've known here for decades .. asking if I was the same 

person who'd been writing all those things about KZYX .. gulp .. yep .. I'm the culprit .. 

so then this person said, 'Thank you.' .. I must've looked shocked .. they went on to 

say how they'd been buttonholed recently in the same vicinity by a former KZYX

manager .. when the person I was talking to said how much they missed community 

radio, the former management member launched into a personal attack against the 

host of this newsgroup .. my response was this .. there are two conflicting policies at 

KZYX .. the open policy on the website that everybody loves .. and the closed policy 

on the Form 990 tax returns that nobody talks about .. the people in favor of the open 

policy are all focused on policy .. while the people in favor of the closed policy are all 

focused on people .. 


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