[Kzyxtalk] Dead Air on KZYX?

Liz Helenchild deejayliz at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 27 14:40:49 PDT 2016

Dead air is due to PG&E operations beyond KZYX control. There will most likely be a rerun of white Noise 10-6 tomorrow, per management.Sorry!Liz AKA Bessie Mae Mucho

      From: Scott Peterson <scottmartinpeterson at hotmail.com>
 To: "kzyxtalk at lists.mcn.org" <kzyxtalk at lists.mcn.org> 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 2:27 PM
 Subject: [Kzyxtalk] Dead Air on KZYX?
<!--#yiv5142802427 .yiv5142802427hmmessage P{margin:0px;padding:0px;}#yiv5142802427 body.yiv5142802427hmmessage{font-size:12pt;font-family:Calibri;}-->I just walked into the house at 3:15pm .. dead air on KZYX .. 

same thing with the livestream at KZYX:


it's been that way for ten minutes now .. 

is that it? ..  
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