[Kzyxtalk] Three Radio Stations on Sourcewatch

Scott Peterson scottmartinpeterson at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 26 12:47:56 PDT 2016

I think it can mean different things to different people.

To me, it suggests the origin of KZYX's failed policy. i.e., heavy-handed management claiming to be a

lawyer. In Phil Tymon's case, he claimed to be a member of the DC Bar. Which helped him land a job 

he clearly wasn't suited for. That claim also allowed him to run rough-shod over volunteers at KZYX, 

including Beth Bosk. The SourceWatch issue also aligns Tymon with the failed policy of pushing NPR.

At least in my mind.

- - - - - - - - 
What does this mean, Scott? 

BTW, I owe you a call. I haven't forgotten your excellent work on the deficient KZYX audits during Coate's eight years. I hope that doesn't put the station's current management in jeopardy. I think Lorraine and Raoul want to do the right thing. 

-- John 

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