[Kzyxtalk] Too much NPR

Karen Knoebber nobler at mcn.org
Sun Apr 24 14:04:55 PDT 2016

I so agree there is way too much NPR on KZYX.  This is the reason KMUD wins most of my listening time.  Especially the news programing on NPR is so slanted toward supporting “American Exceptionalism” military policy.  So dangerous in these fragile times.
> On Apr 24, 2016, at 10:00 AM, Doug McKenty <dougmck at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is the crux of the issue. Somehow we all got sidetracked by all the other BS. 
> As the host of Open Lines I heard it 1,000 times. "Too much NPR!"
> Almost none of my friends are station members. Why?  "Too much NPR!"
> When I was on the board of MCPC I thought I could do something to change this, and bring all these people back into the fold. That was when I found out that the pro-NPR contingent was going to great lengths to control the programming. Going as far as to ignore station policy designed to allow the membership control over the programming. 
> Then there was a bunch of financial shenanigans designed to cover up the fact that too much NPR programming was causing a fiscal disaster for the station. 
> So we got sidetracked trying to get the station to conform to policies that would allow the community to get all that NPR programming off the air and allow alternative views on the air. 
> But the crux of the issue: "Too much NPR, not enough alternative perspectives."
> Do you agree?
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
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