[Kzyxtalk] Of all the...

Marco McClean memo at mcn.org
Sat Apr 2 19:03:25 PDT 2016

“Anger is madness. It is devoid of self-control, forgetful of decency, 
unmindful of ties, persistent and diligent in whatever it begins, closed 
to reason and counsel, excited by trifling causes, unfit to discern the 
right and true. But you have only to behold the expressions of those 
possessed by anger to know that they are insane.” –Seneca

The recording of last night's (2016-04-01) Memo of the Air: Good Night 
Radio show is available to download for free with one click, maybe two, 
via http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com

I need to tell you: Adam David Jones, who was in several Mendocino 
Theater Company plays up to last year –you’ll remember him as dangerous, 
conflicted, creepy Eddie in Arthur Miller’s /A View From the Bridge/, 
and as wunderkind political fixer Stephen Myers in /Farragut North/– is 
in trouble in real life and he and his family need your help. Last 
Saturday night someone or someones attacked him with what must have been 
R-rated-horror-movie-level violence and dumped him in a parked car in 
Harrisburg and left him for dead. He was discovered and taken to 
hospital, where to save his life doctors had to remove part of his skull 
to relieve the swelling of his brain. So there’s serious damage outside 
and inside. His mother’s with him 24 hours a day; she says he can make 
sounds and he can squeeze her hand a little, but he has yet to open his 

There’s a crowdfunding page set up to try to make it just a little 
easier for him when he gets up, whenever that turns out to be. Go there 
and help with a little money. Please. http://tinyURL.com/HelpADJones

Also at http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com you'll find literally 
gazillions of links to not necessarily radio-useful but nonetheless 
interesting things to see and do and learn about, such as:

Welcome to Marwencol. One man’s project to make sense of personal 

13 things.

When I was a little boy, Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop were the most 
wonderful thing in the world.

And, of course, dinosaurs. What child doesn't love dinosaurs?

Marco McClean
memo at mcn.org

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