[Kzyxtalk] Fwd: Court Order to inspect KZYX records Re: [MCN-Discussion]- Fwd: Letter to Mr Jared Huffman

sako4 at comcast.net sako4 at comcast.net
Mon Oct 12 11:05:11 PDT 2015

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "Eric Sunswheat" <eric.sunswheat at gmail.com> 
To: "Mary Massey" <mkathrynmassey at gmail.com>, discussion at lists.mcn.org 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 9:46:10 AM 
Subject: Court Order to inspect KZYX records Re: [MCN-Discussion]- Fwd: Letter to Mr Jared Huffman 

The public participation hater's group entrenched in KZYX management 
staff and board, needs to be restrained by a future court order. 

This is so that Mendocino Sheriff deputies are there as ushers at the 
radio station, to ensure a chain of custody in the records inspection 
is carried out in a verified civil manner, along with participation of 
a possible independent court appointed auditor or notary public, to 
document which records are on file, missing or have been possibly 
destroyed by the troika of outgoing Coates, Aigner, and Campbell. 

Interesting will be just how many voting memberships are from Lake 
County, and the real world financial grit of how station program 
policy and volunteer broadcast participation, is being guided by 
demographics of advertising dollars aimed at advertising dollars of 
vehicles traveling the roadways in the broadcast listening area. 

Also to be appreciated, is an insight of reductions in the overlap of 
County government reporting and complementary or competing programming 
by adjacent major public radio station KMUD in Humboldt County and 
public service all volunteer start up KPFZ in Lakeport 

Necessary is that listening public and local public officials with 
attention spans limited to enjoying pubic radio, can cut through 
grandstanding hyperbole, to a limited extent on both sides of the 
polarized matter of KZYX responsibility to its public membership base 
pursuant to applicable laws and station corporate membership rules. 


On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 12:28 PM, Mary Massey <mkathrynmassey at gmail.com> wrote: 
> Open Letter to Jared Huffman 
> Mr. Huffman, 
> The station's recent license renewal which had been pending for over 
> 18 months was recently announced in writing to the AVA by Meg 
> Courtney, President, MCPB. The AVA printed your staffer, Heather 
> Gurewitz's email announcing the gleeful event in the AVA after the 
> fact. I don't know if Meg and Heather are friends, but I understand 
> that Heather represents you and your office. Therefore, I would think 
> you are in support of her actions and her involvement with KZYX. 
> I would now like to draw your attention to a different sort of article 
> that was printed in the AVA due to events from yesterday, Wednesday, 
> October 7, 2015. 
> One of the recommendations made to the FCC was that the GM resign 
> before the station license was renewed. The GM, John Coate, resigned 
> one day after a Board Member and station members/donors issued a 
> letter to inspect the financial records plus election and membership 
> information. An attempt to do so yesterday (a scheduled inspection) 
> was met with a police detail at the Philo studio (See letters below.) 
> If you have followed the crux of the issues at KZYX, you would not 
> only call for your own inspection of the station's financials, you 
> would further investigate how KZYX is not fully operating under FCC 
> and CPB policies and regulations. You would also learn that the Board 
> is systematically and intentionally circumventing one of its own Board 
> Members who asked to see the financial documents of the station. Yes, 
> for that reason a Board Member has been isolated with the hope he will 
> just resign. This effort is lead by the new interim GM, Stuart 
> Campbell. By the way, Mr. Campbell was the former President, before 
> he and 2-3 other Board Members, made him the paid Interim GM without 
> the knowledge of the FULL Board and the donor members. Finally, you 
> would understand that the infrastructure of the station has the Staff 
> leading the Board which is not how a not-for-profit should conduct the 
> business of its members and the funds they contribute. 
> I urge you to review the serious nature of supporting a non-profit 
> that is not operating as such. 
> Respectfully, 
> Mary K Massey 
> Mendocino, CA 
> ***** 
> Mr. Campbell, 
> I'm a board director, and I have the absolute right of inspection of 
> station records per California Corporations Code and MCPB's corporate 
> bylaws. I will be scheduling to inspect all the documents that station 
> members McKenty, Collins, and Tracy were prevented from seeing today. 
> You have that list for the production of said documents. 
> Yours very truly, 
> John Sakowicz, Ukiah 
> MCPB Board of Directors (2013-2016) 
> * * * 
> Dear friends, 
> I just returned from my conference at the Fairmont Hotel in San 
> Francisco on bankruptcy law as it applies to public pension systems. I 
> just read the email below. I'm concerned — troubled — that you, 
> members of KZYX, were denied a full inspection. 
> I'm a KZYX board director, and I need to inspect the records that you 
> (the members) were denied from inspecting this afternoon. 
> I'll do this with all of you, or I'll do it with attorney Peter Kafin. 
> It might interest the group to know that when I returned home in 
> Ukiah, I had a message from MCSO Lieutenant Jason Caudillo warning me 
> that no violence would be tolerated at today's inspection. No doubt 
> KZYX station manager, Stuart Campbell, initiated the call. 
> It was insulting — deeply insulting — for Campbell to imply that the 
> station need a police presence. Campbell clearly wants to escalates a 
> civil matter. 
> Why call the MCSO? I'm a former member of the MCSO, having worked at 
> the jail from 2000-2004, and I'm both of public trustee of our 
> county's $455 million pension system MCERA, and a sworn fiduciary of 
> the same. I was vetted by the county's CEO for this position. 
> Furthermore, I'm a member of the 2015-2016 grand jury where I was 
> vetted by the courts. 
> I'm law abiding in every respect. 
> I'm copying both Lieutenant Caudillo and Sheriff Allman on this email. 
> John Sakowicz, Ukiah 
> * * * 
> AVA, 
> You will no doubt be proud to note that your piece this week 
> referencing Judy Bari prompted the KZYX staff to call the police and 
> have them meet us in the parking lot during our attempt to review 
> documents that their bylaws specifically state any member can see. 
> http://theava.com/archives/48473#12 
> They were so frightened that we were mounting a Bari like 
> demonstration they felt compelled to call for police protection. 
> Sakowitz even got a call warning him that violence would not be 
> acceptable. 
> The best part of the day for me was, once I explained to the police 
> why we were there, a policeman took me aside to explain what to do if 
> we found evidence of embezzling… 
> Doug McKenty, Elk 
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