[Kzyxtalk] The earplug of the board.

Marco McClean memo at mcn.org
Thu Oct 8 14:45:36 PDT 2015

     Last week I sent email to the MCPB (KZYX) board of directors' 
account. I got no reply from any of them --not even a "Got your email, 
thanks, I'm thinking about it." And then it occurred to me...

     Stuart Campbell, as chairman of the MCPB board, used to stand 
between the public and the board members and decide what information to 
pass along to the board, what to angrily bark back about, and what to 
simply ignore and delete. Now that Stuart is not only /not on the board 
anymore/ but general manager, actually answerable to the board that sets 
his rate of pay, I hope he's not still in control of that account, 
opening and filtering email that listeners and paying members send to 
the board's account thinking it's going straight from there to each of 
the board members.

     And why was there ever such an obfuscatory wall in the first place? 
Why aren't the directors'/trustees' email addresses posted on KZYX' web 

     Also-- was the KZYX so-called news department on the story of 
Stuart Campbell ringing the station with law enforcement officers to 
block members of MCPB from seeing station paper records they're entitled 
by law to read and copy? Because that's news.

Marco McClean
memo at mcn.org

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