[Kzyxtalk] [MCN-Discussion]- Amount and timing of debt

King Collins king at greenmac.com
Wed Feb 26 20:41:15 PST 2014

Dear KZYX and Discussion folks,

(This would not pass the KZYX censors.) 

How the HELL can we attack Belinda Rawlins for the financial crisis!? Publicly, as if there had been some kind of trial or something?

John, you said Belinda Rawlins "nearly bankrupted" the station and Beth you say "I have no idea how much money Belinda Rawlins ditzed away." 

In an OFFLINE discussion and in private correspondence I have already discussed this with both of you, and Doug and others:

1) Belinda Rawlins was GM during the time when there was an honest liberal board (c. 2006-2008) including Mike Grady, Linda McClure and Jane Futcher (I have invited Jane to join the discussion.)

2) It was that board that published a real in-depth survey of members (which is available at greenmac.com) and that survey remains largely untapped.  

3) It was that board that reaffirmed and put in place a real committee system with committees that required public input.

4) For Belinda Rawlins to have bankrupted the station she would have had to done so under the eyes of board treasurer Charlie Hockberg, who is a trusted community person. 

Let's have some EMPIRICAL evidence. Thank you Tim for your research. It clears up a some of questions. 

For KZYXtalk
King Collins

On Feb 26, 2014, at 7:19 PM, nsi at mcn.org wrote:


----- Original Message -----
From: "" 
To:"Tim Bray" , 
Sent:Wed, 26 Feb 2014 18:49:47 -0800
Subject:Re: [Kzyxtalk] Amount and timing of debtand

You're right, Tim. I have no idea how much money Belinda Rawlins
ditzed away. Or from whom I was repeating the number. I suspect some
of the draw was paid back, thus the discrepancy.  But no matter how
much debt the station was left with when Belinda just up and
departed, returning Jane to the Board  fora re-run is not a good
choice.  Dan Roberts would have made a much finer general manager,
and probably led us out of a bad paradigm. --beth
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Bray" , 
Sent:Wed, 26 Feb 2014 17:39:42 -0800
Subject:[Kzyxtalk] Amount and timing of debt

I keep seeing a figure of $200K thrown around, and Beth Bosk's recent
missive alleges that Belinda Rawlins ran up a bank draw in that
amount.  In the General Manager's reports (available on the KZYX
Website), the bank debt is reported as $55K in October 2008, shortly
after John Coate became GM.  In the December report, he lists bank
debt of $52K and NPR debt of $45K.   I haven't gone through every
report, but from memory, the total debt went over $100K for a while,
but never reached the $200K level I've seen in several messages here.

The facts are bad enough - why exaggerate?  Especially when the
facts are so easily researched.

Tim Bray

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