[Kzyxtalk] Election Statistics

King Collins king at greenmac.com
Fri Apr 4 09:25:10 PDT 2014

Dear KZYX folks and list followers,
This thread is for interpreting the results of the election. 
Below are the numbers, followed by the interpretations posted to the list, so far, about those numbers:

The vote count and percentages for the contested seats:

King Collins            23 votes     3%
Tom Melcher        145 votes   19% 
Doug McKenty     286 votes   37%
Paul Lambert       310 votes   41%

Patricia Kovner    271 votes   37%
Jane Futcher        458 votes   63%

Meg Courtney      611 votes (uncontested)
Total ballots          793

* * * *

John Sakowicz's interpretation:

The 283 members who voted for Doug McKenty, out of the 783 total members who voted, should be a good start in trying to get a handle on the number of people disaffected with the status quo at KZYX. Doing the math, that's 36.5 percent of our members -- 36.5 percent who voted for change. Adding King Collins's 25 votes to Doug McKenty's 283 votes, that's 301 votes, or 38.4 percent.

This estimate of disaffected members does not count members who voted for Tom Metcher. Melcher was the deciding factor, whoever he is. He split the vote and helped elect KZYX's company man, Paul Lambert. 

Telling this 38 percent of the membership "it's our way or the highway" just won't happen 

* * * *

Paul Lambert wrote:

There is another way to frame this, of course:

That over 61% of the votes went to non- dissident candidates;

That as a percentage of all members, not just voters, dissidents represent about 10%;

I speculate that the vast majority of financial supporters want to keep the station operating as is, not because they don't have a choice, KMEC & KMUD, KWINE,  Internet radio etc., but because they like the balance of NPR & local programming.

However, I do not support firing any or all of the current staff or management even if it brands me as a company man, a characterization I resent, because it implies I am in lock step with management, which is not accurate.

Having said that, as your elected representative, I would like to hear your specific requests, a la King's petition. I will do my best to represent all  the members.

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