[Kzyxtalk] The Beginning of an Epoch at KZYX

King Collins king at greenmac.com
Wed Apr 2 03:32:44 PDT 2014

Dear KZYX listeners, members, programmers, staff and board,

We will soon know the “winners” of the board election. Will it be Lambert or McKinney, Futcher or Kovner? I already expressed my feelings about that: What a waste it is to cast aside the intelligence and experience of the other candidates.  This is just plain lack of imagination, to say the least. But folks, no matter who is elected, this is going to be a different situation, unlike anything we’ve seen before at KZYX.  Because, unless I am mistaken there will be at least one board member who is willing to report back to KZYXtalk, if not on air.

For the first time in the history of the station there is going to be an experiment in live two-way communication between a board member or members and the rest of us.

All in all, I'd say the chances for "member imagined radio" are looking pretty good, right now.

Warm regards to all, and thanks especially to those who are out there in the weather trying to get us back on the air.

--king collins

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