[Kzyxtalk] Mendocino County Public Radio -- KZYX

Tim Gregory tgregory at saber.net
Wed Apr 11 09:06:00 PDT 2018

Same turd, different day...

ABOUT TIME. KZYX's primary funder, the federal government, is sending an auditor to
Philo for a close look at the station's books and, by extension, station management.
Even without an audit, and looking at Mendo Public Radio from a distance, which is
the only way management allows even its membership to look, it's clear that fiscal
chicanery is afoot, not to mention insider hiring, nepotism, a general manager who
is permanently unavailable, and the positively weird and comprehensively baleful
grip a former EST cult partisan presently has on station ops. This guy, Stuart
Campbell, has direct access to the station's depleted purse and has recently hired
his girlfriend as a station reporter. The entire apparatus curtsies to him.

FOR YEARS, KZYX limped along with a series of wacky-to-incompetent managers, but
then an extremely unpleasant fellow named John Coate assumed the reins about ten
years ago, and the station's ramshackle hippie-dippo-stoner vibe went to
cult-secretive and, where women were concerned, cruel. One of Coate's first acts was
to fire the capable reporter Christina Aanestad, and doing it with no notice on a
Friday morning when Ms. Aanestad arrived for work, replacing her with a stone male
nutcase who soon claimed that verified charges revealed in the ava (where else?)
that he'd tried to forge a winning lottery ticket was the work of vengeful Oregon
"bull dykes.” The bull dykes were stalking him, you see. Coate’s unerring bad
judgement subsequently saddled the station with the creepy EST guy, and here we are
with staff taking nearly half the station's annual revenue, and membership
declining, and the general manager out when he’s in, in when he’s out.


SUSPICIONS CONFIRMED. It has belatedly occurred to me that Mendocino County Public
Radio is indeed a cult. The station apparently went clear over into blood oaths and
midnight dog's blood rituals with former manager John Coate, who brought in another
eviscerated personality to succeed him in Stuart Campbell. Mos def a Moonie-like
vibe prevailed during the lock-step candidate's affair at Mendo College, what with
all these blissed-out looking old white guys creeping around in ancient
birkenstocks, their eyes and speech devoid of all life. I understand a federal
intervention is scheduled for May, but will it be soon enough to prevent Coate and
Campbell from moving on to full human sacrifice?


from the Anderson Valley Advertiser

April 4, 2018

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