[Kzyxtalk] Dear Ms. Mucho

Scott Peterson scottmartinpeterson at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 1 18:28:43 PDT 2016

Dear Ms. Mucho (or whatever you're calling yourself now),

You seem to climb on your esteem as a 'deejay' to condemn lowly

people such as me for my 'distortions'. Yet you fail to identify

a single one.

I do not know you, Ms. Mucho. I see you though. Walking around 

the town I grew up in. With a hat pulled down around your face.

And your eyes averted. Always. Like a cowardly assassin. 

In the circles we've shared, I've notice a certain amount of

bad information. Toward people you don't like. Most of which

happen to be men. Yeah. There's a word for that in my world. 

And it begins with the letter 'c'. Lower case.

You have an accent that is distinctly Texan, Ms. Mucho. And 

you arrived at a time that offshore oil exploration here was 

hotly contested. Mostly by people with accents like yours.

Pray tell, Ms. Mucho. What's your position on that? Besides 

on all fours?

I attended the offshore oil hearings at Eagles Hall in Fort

Bragg, Ms. Mucho. So did my father. That was around 1988. I 

didn't see you there. I didn't see anybody with 'Bessie Mae' 

accents there. Did I miss something?

Since then, you seem to have suddenly appeared. Just like 

the Salem Witch Trials did. Only discretely. Excoriating

those outside of your gender. Particularly those with balls.

Since you've made a stand against me, Ms. Mucho. I'd like to

ask you to make one about yourself. Aside from a misandrist

from Oil Country, who the fuck are you?


Scott M. Peterson


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Dear Bernie,
Knowing your expressions typically bend toward peacemaking, I am appalled that you stroke Peterson for his "advocacy."  

Constructive criticism by stakeholders is valuable, even essential. Peterson's endless carping, meanspeak, distortions, & personal attacks are merely destructive. I don't understand how you could align with his maliciousness.


    On Friday, June 17, 2016 11:27 PM, BC <omni at mcn.org> wrote:

  I heard 4  sources (including NPR) say that trust in fellow humans is fundamental to good mental health.
 That  fundamental quality seems critical in forming and maintaining solid relationships & community.   
 Thanks for your advocacy Scott.

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